Nirvana Notary

Does your team need direction when it comes to the sales process?
Tell me about your product? Who is your ideal client? How do they currently find you? Are there steps you want the perspective client to follow? Do you require supplemental marketing material? How do you learn about your clients needs? Do you require a recording of a demonstration? Do you need help creating templates?
Dex Imaging
Created elevator pitch scripts for both in-person and via phone. Created flyers, discovery questions, and proposals. Did live-action in-person demonstrations for document management software.

B2B Intro Cold Call Walk InScript
Hi, I am Jessica with Dex Imaging. I like your (compliment anything). We handle copiers printers and managed print services. I see you are running a (name the printer you can see, and who services it) Ask do they still handle the service. Awesome, Do you know how long ago you may have signed a lease with them, or when the lease expires?
No, Ok, who could I contact to find out some more information? Is he here? Ok, when is a good time to reach him, mornings or afternoons? May I have a business card? Do you think he prefers email, texts, or calls?
Awesome, thanks for your help, do you mind if I grab your card too, so I remember who you are when I call back to follow up?
Thanks so much for your help! Have a great day!

These images are Thomas Kinkade prints meant to show off the color quality of the printers

B2B Intro Call Script
Hi, My name is Jessica, and I am with Dex Imaging. I was wondering if you could help me out. I have some new data loaded into my computer from a former employee. It says that the lease on your copier is about to expire, I see here Mr. Jones used to handle this, does he still work there? I was hoping he could help me get your account straightened out.
Hi, Mr. Jones, I am Jessica with Dex Imaging, and I have a note on my computer on your account that your copy lease is going to expire soon, can you just verify and let me know when that will happen, so I will know when to properly follow up?
I see you are running a (device discovered on cold call walk-in) do you have any other devices that are on that lease?
What are you primarily using the machine for? Can you send me some samples? Are you the one who takes care of it?
How is it doing for you?
We are offering a Free analysis, of your printer, I would love to set up a time when I can come out take a look at your devices, ask you a few more questions and learn a bit more about your business. In turn, I will see if there are any opportunities I have to make your processes faster or save you money. Usually, this takes about 30-45 minutes, do you have any time next Tuesday morning or Thursday afternoon?
Sample Proposal